The Four Dimensions
of Differentiation
The Soul Differentiator
The Purpose Dimension is the guiding force behind a winning strategy. A strong purpose is composed of a brand’s contribution and impact on the world. When clearly defined, this allows the brand to define its reason for existence and claim a unique and differentiated perception in the minds of its desired audience.
The Radical Differentiator
The Core Differentiator
The Shallow Differentiator
The Image Dimension is what people see and hear. It is the outer appearance of the brand and the manifestation of its attributes and personality traits on a visual and communication level.
Curious by Nature.
Differentiated by Design.
Our brand methodology is as crucial to maximizing value as our brand philosophy is. Through a tried-and-tested three-step approach, we work with our clients to first Discover their brands and then Uncover what makes them different. We leverage these learnings to then Differentiate on a strategic, visual and communication level.

Who are you and where do you play?
At the beginning, we want to learn everything we can about your current brand, its plans for the future, and your market landscape.

What makes you different?
Our second step is to uncover potential points of differentiation by using our curiosity and intuitive insights. Co-creation workshops accompany this step.

How do we bring out your differentiation?
Leveraging everything we’ve “discovered” and “uncovered”, we use this last stage to help differentiate your brand strategically, visually, and inappropriate communication and marketing channels.